- Class: Writing for the Technical Professional
- Teacher: Dr. Vincent Robles
- Semester: Fall 2022
Project 1
The goal of this project was to write instructions for some topic. Around this time I was learning about Stable Diffusion, an image generation AI, so I decided to write some instructions on how to set it up and use it to create some cool images.
Project 2
The goal of this project was to create job searching materials, including a resume, cover letter, and a mini interview video. I decided to make these materials for a Junior Software Engineer position at Boeing.
Project 3
The goal of this project was to make a Student Research Grant proposal. The research topic I chose was the viability of a peer-to-peer network architecture for multiplayer video games, something I’ve been researching on my free time.
# Reflection
As part of the final project in this class, I have to write a reflection on my portfolio:
How is it coming along thus far?
I think it is pretty good; it fits the site’s theme: simple yet readable. I’m quite proud of my site because it was all written from scratch and features a fully responsive interface (that means it can be viewed on mobile, without having to serve a special page).
Are you happy with your page layouts, ease of navigation, and color scheme?
I enjoy the layout and color scheme. I could work on the navigation though. I think I might add a portfolio page and reorganize my home page to fit a link to it.
Are the fonts clear and easy to read?
I use JetBrain Mono, a monospaced font I use when programming, to add to the theme of a programming blog. I also set double spacing, because while I use it as a 10pt single-spaced font when programming, using a larger font and larger spacing makes reading easier when it’s a long article, at least in my opinion.
What have you learned through the process of creating this digital portfolio?
I’m used to making websites, but it was a bit of a challenge to upload my files. I use GitHub pages for hosting, and there are limitations on the file sizes. I had to move my video to YouTube since it was too large. For the other files, I used some tricks with Git LFS and GitHub Actions to minimize their file diffs.
What questions do you have?
I don’t have any questions about this project.
Which aspects are difficult or confusing?
Adding new CSS can be annoying at times. I’ve organized my CSS into two parts: a general framework and site-specific. Some of the site-specific CSS could be moved back to the general framework, but that takes some time to do.
What resources might you use to assist you?
GitHub’s documentation on the limitations of LFS and GitHub pages.